Loren Carpenter
MS, FertilityCare Practitioner
Loren Carpenter is a Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner who has been successfully instructing clients since 2020. She has used the model personally since 2013 while struggling with infertility which led to improved reproductive health and the successful birth of two children. Her personal use of the Creighton Model and NaproTECHNOLOGY led to a career change with the hope of helping women and couples learn and appreciate this natural form of reproductive healthcare.
Loren has a BA from Loyola University New Orleans and worked in marketing communications for 14 years before receiving a MS degree from Texas A&M University – Commerce. Her focus on health promotion, women’s health and stress management is beneficial when providing clients with personalized attention to their reproductive goals and health concerns.
Questions for Loren? Email her at Loren@FertilityCareFW.com
“I appreciate Loren so much for helping me learn the Creighton Model. With her help, my NaPro doctor has helped me alleviate my severe PMS. I feel like I am getting my life and marriage back.”